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Sunday 22 March 2015

The trouble with bigoted parents is

They pass their negative views of the world onto their children. This can be anything from hating gays to hating Muslims, from hating other races to hating single mothers.

Bigoted = obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, and intolerant towards other people's beliefs and practices.

If you carry on about how bad these people are in front of your children, they too will grow up with your twisted views of the world. In some cases those children will grow up and realise your views were bigoted and form their own more fairer views of the world. In other cases they'll follow along with the family legacy you or your parents or grandparents before you created and reek havoc on the world. Just like you have.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

If you don't want your child to watch it turn it off

Are you one of those parents who monitors what your children watch and make sure it's suitable and
age appropriate? No swearing, no nudity, no violence, no adult content? Or are you one of those parents who think it's ok for children to be exposed to those things so long as their parents explain the context of what's being shown? Assuming all parents who allow their children to view adult content actually do explain anything to them (what percentage do you suppose that is?).

You would have heard the saying, "If you don't want your child to watch it turn it off".

That has to be one of the most ignorant and irrational sayings I've ever heard. The type of people who say that either don't have children, don't care about the inappropriate things on TV or radio, have no intention of going against the inappropriate things going on around them because it's too much hassle, or have a vested interest in airing adult content. It's their way of shoving it under the carpet and putting the responsibility back on to parents.

Monday 2 March 2015

Compliment your children

If  there is one thing I couldn't stress enough as a parent it's this: compliment your children

Don't over do it. Don't raise one of those pampered beauty pageant type kids who think they're gods gift to the world even though they haven't actually done a great deal to make a difference to the world. Keep it real and make it simple.

It is a good thing to try and find out the things your child likes to be told. You can do this by talking to them and finding out their interests, or you can do it by trial and error and see what lights them up.

Children tend to like hearing simple appreciative things like: good manners, thanks for helping, I hear you playing nicely, good job, good work, it's nice to see you smile, I like hearing you laugh, hello gorgeous / handsome / beautiful / precious, wow you ate all your dinner, well done, you're awesome.

If your dealing with teenagers the compliments could be a bit more adult like: tell me that funny story again, I love seeing you happy, thanks for putting the dishes away, you're a great listener, good job on your assignment.