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Thursday 23 April 2020

Work as a team

My partner and I do have issues and topics where we don't agree on certain rules or parenting styles, yet for the most part we work as team.

I'll cook and they'll wash dishes. They'll hang out the washing, I'll fold it up. They'll do certain tasks that are just theirs to do and I do mine. Both of us remind the children of their tasks and help each other out with chores.

We run the ship together and it runs relatively smoothly.

It wasn't always that way and we had to work through numerous issues together. Some more easily agreeable than others.

For example:

My partner believed smacking was ok and would smack our children. I don't like to smack. This lead to some disagreements and confrontations. We don't smack our children anymore.

They believe giving children junk food is ok and say it is ok in moderation. I don't like my children eating bad food often and we have debates about this issue because their idea of moderation is WAY different to mine! We give our children junk food now and again, and truthfully more times than I'm comfortable with, yet we are getting better at discussing the topic of our children's health.

Do you and your partner work as a team? Does your partner help out often? What chores do you do together and what are theirs and yours? Do you parent the children together or is there often conflict? What reoccurring arguments come up for you both?