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Saturday 6 January 2018

How to control iPad use

This refers to other electric devices as well. 

  1. Only allow use every second day (or 3rd day + as is your prerogative). One day with electronics, one day without (this includes all other forms of electronics such as TV, computer, game consoles). I do allow music which they sometimes listen to on their iPads while they play.
  2. Ask them to give the iPad back to you at the end of the day.
  3. Pick an end time such as 6pm each night, before dinner.
  4. Pick a start time during the day, on weekends, such as 10am. This is 8hrs worth of use which is more than enough time for them to get things done such as: homework, story writing, play games, drawing or looking up a picture to draw. Allow less time as is your prerogative.
  5. Don't allow them to use the device alone in their bedroom without you having unlimited access.  If they work in their bedrooms have the door open with the screen facing you or near about.
  6. Keep their devices in your bedroom at night or on their days off, somewhere they won't be found if one should try and snoop to try and find.  
You keep control.

In short pick a start and end time, hand the iPads out and have your children hand them back at the end of the usage time.

There are a couple of reasons for this.
1) Children are using their electronics more than most parents realise. 
2) They're becoming addicted to their iPads and unable to entertain themselves without devices. 
3) Posture. Have you seen most people on devices? It's like they're descendants of the Hunch Back of Notre Dame.  
4) Without these devices children are forced to learn to entertain themselves.

At first they won't, at first they'll fight and nag and say they're bored, just stand your ground and stay strong. Eventually they'll get use to the routine and stick to it. This is how iPads are monitored at schools and it works that way for a reason.

I knew one boy who couldn't entertain himself without his electronics. If it was taken away or flat we'd say go and play, keep yourself entertained. He'd literally walk around the house or sit around doing nothing. He just didn't know how to entertain himself because he'd never had to. Wow!

Are you lax with-your iPad rules allowing your children unfettered access or do you let them grow outside of electronics?

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