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Sunday 22 March 2015

The trouble with bigoted parents is

They pass their negative views of the world onto their children. This can be anything from hating gays to hating Muslims, from hating other races to hating single mothers.

Bigoted = obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, and intolerant towards other people's beliefs and practices.

If you carry on about how bad these people are in front of your children, they too will grow up with your twisted views of the world. In some cases those children will grow up and realise your views were bigoted and form their own more fairer views of the world. In other cases they'll follow along with the family legacy you or your parents or grandparents before you created and reek havoc on the world. Just like you have.
To hate on other groups of people is essentially an uneducated, uninformed way of being. It is ugly and unbecoming and in most cases you only feel the way you do about those people because someone else convinced you to. That could be people you work with, your parents, your peers, your church, or the media.

The fact is everyone is a person who deserves respect until such time as they've actually come up to YOU and disrespected you. If that is the case you're free to feel apprehensive about that person, however, to hate on all others for the actions of one or two makes you foolish.

For example people who hate gays because supposedly the bible says so. The bible also says many other things about oxen and women and not stealing or lying or judging and people pick and choose the ones they think God is demanding of them, while ignoring the wrongs they're doing in their own lives. If you follow the bible and believe in God remember this: God is everywhere and watching you as you spew your bigoted beliefs.

Another example is people who hate all Muslims because of things shown in the media. Go out and meet some Muslims, see them for the people they are. I assure you the vast majority are normal people just like you who want nothing more than to live peaceful lives on this earth, safe in the knowledge their children won't be killed.

I know of a lady who is extremely bigoted. This woman will go on about how disgusting it is to be gay or Muslim or promiscuous or unattractive or suffering from depression or into collecting Star Wars figurines or being weak (people not being able to stand up for themselves) etc etc. Meanwhile she spends her work life gossiping about and backstabbing others she works with. She plays obvious and apparent favourites with her two daughters. One is idolised and adored because she's beautiful the way the mother was when she was young, while the other is openly treated with hostility because she is less attractive and reminds the mother of her ex husband. This daughter also suffers from depression which the mother thinks she should 'just get over'.  She allows her favourite daughter (18) to stay over at different boys houses and sleep in the same bed as them, and thinks this is ok because she's not having sex with them, while insisting her other daughter settle down with the fist man to look twice at her because it could be her only opportunity to get a man. She openly backstabs her favourite daughter's friends for any little wrong doing she thinks they've done i.e. sleeping around, and encourages her daughter to bully and alienate friends from within her circle. She has said things to her non favourite daughter like "I feel like punching your face in". Yet she has the audacity to hate other people for existing. She has the audacity to see other people as something to be 'tolerated'.

Point being her behavour is shocking and ugly and hateful and yet she feels in a position to dish out bigoted views on others. Really she needs to take a long hard look at herself and see what behaviors she needs to improve before rabbiting on about how bad other people are.

The trouble with bigots is, in most cases they are not any better than the minorities they pick on, only they're too blind and stupid to see it... and they pass this blind foolishness onto the next generation.

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