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Monday 29 December 2014

Christmas and children

Christmas is a time of year that baffles me. The objective seems to be acquiring huge amounts of stuff while consuming vast amounts of food, wasting huge amounts of paper and discarding huge amounts of plastic. Gluttony. Pure gluttony. The idea that we're teaching our children this is what Christmas is all about is tragic.

Then there are the poor folk, those who can't afford to give something to their children. How do we explain Santa to children when some children get noticeably huge amounts of presents while others get very little? As a child I never understood that. Why did some children at my school get lots and lots of gifts while I got very little? My only explanation was that I mustn't have been as good as them. What an awful thing for a child to think of themselves.

For those who can't afford much there is always those bargain shops that sell cheap goods. Cheap goods that break easy and don't amount to much aside from non bio degradable landfill at the end of the day.
So you either give your children lots of expensive quality toys or cheap breakable toys or nothing depending on your financial situation. In the end children are taught Christmas is about getting stuff.

The reality is Christmas is meant to be all about giving and by giving that doesn't mean only giving to those you love. It means giving to those less fortunate, giving to strangers, giving to those in need.

Here are some ways you can teach your children the true meaning of Christmas = GIVING:

1) Have them purchase gifts out of their own pocket money to give to charity. This can be a gift under a tree in a shopping center, gifts given to foster children, gifts given to sick children in hospitals, gifts given to orphanages.

2) Have them go through their old toys and find those they can give away to opp shops or foster children or re-gift for children in need.

3) Take them to feed the homeless on Christmas morning. This is usually done through local churches or council.

4) Take them to sing carols and serve at events where people without family can go for Christmas lunch.

5) Have them door knock and ask neighbours if they'd like to donate food for hampers to be given to those in need.

What other ways can you think of to teach children to be giving?

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