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Monday 23 July 2018

ADD. Really?

ADD = Adults Doing Disservice

Are you doing your children a disservice? Are they unruly because you won't or don't discipline them?

This is not an article for those who actually have children with ADD although it is misdiagnosed to a massive extent in Australia and other countries where packaged food is on the menu.

This is a story for those really slack parents who use ADD as an excuse for their poor parenting and therefore their child's pore behavior.

I've met a number of children whom I see getting away with so much around their parents. Those same children are usually angels around other people who stand their ground and discipline well. The parents of those children have gone to doctor after doctor trying to find out why their children aren't well behaved. And many of the children have ended up on ADD medication as a result.

This is heartbreaking to see. Doped up children who would otherwise be considered normal IF ONLY their parents knew how to discipline.

Before you send your child off to get ADD diagnosis and medication ask yourself some serious questions and be honest with you answers.
  • Do you have other children who are also badly behaved?
  • Are you consistent or lax with your discipline?
  • Do you ask your child to follow other people's rules? Or do you ignore your children if they're breaking other people's rules?
  • Do your children behave well for others, especially when you're not around?
  • Do your close friends and family agree with your diagnoses or do they know you're just not being strict enough?
  • Are your family and friends able to be open and honest with you and have you listen?
In each of the cases I've seen, all the other children in the family were also poorly behaved for the mother, while being well behaved and listening to other adults when the mother was not around.  Though they had attitude towards others being firm with them since they're use to getting away with so much. Family, friends and specialists did not agree the child had ADD, however, most were too chicken to speak up and say so.

Don't be a parent with ADD (Adults Doing Disservice) accusing your child of having a condition they don't have... 

Maybe you're the one with the condition and need professional help.

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