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Monday 24 November 2014

Make a craft box for your children

Children love making things, they love getting dirty and creating a mess as well as creating a master piece.

We each have our own tolerance level about what crafty things we like our children to do or have. For example some people don't mind letting their children paint freely on paper while sitting at the kitchen bench, others don't mind their children getting out the glitter and glue and pencils, spreading out on the floor and creating a fun mess, some people don't mind their children getting out the play dough and making things.

What ever your tolerance level is (the mess you don't mind your children making) put a bunch of crafty things together in a box and let this be your children's activity box. It could have pencils and colouring books, glitter and glue, play dough, paint, crayons. It could have foam balls and ripped up bits of newspaper, stickers, leaves and glue. It could have coloured sand, stones, rocks, leaves...

How ever you feel about crafty messes (some people have little patience for mess, especially if children forget to put things away or accidentally damage something), it is good to let children play and create and have fun.  It can also be a fun thing for mum and dad to join in on as well. If mess inside bothers you let your children create outside.

Understand your tolerance level and create a craft box that is suitable to the things you don't mind your children playing with and creating.

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