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Tuesday 18 November 2014

The word game

I invented a game to play with my children the other day with some really good results.

The objective of the game is to come up with words relating to sounds people make that are either good to hear or bad to hear. I asked my children to help me come up with words related to good and bad sounds and as they called out the words I wrote them down.

GOOD sounds to hear

happy, talking, eating / enjoying food, humor, laughter, creativity, playing games, manners, getting along, being nice to each other

BAD sounds to hear

whining, arguing, bossy, yelling, rude, inappropriate things, silly, nagging, pleading, fighting, sniffing

Words that are both good and bad like crying didn't go on either list. Crying isn't a bad noise to hear in that it's normal to cry, feel sad, overwhelmed, frustrated. Though crying can be bad if the child is crying to manipulate a parent. Even feeling angry is normal, it's just how we deal with that anger that is either good or bad.

This list can be added to every so often so the game can be continued when ever we think of new words to add to our list.

How this game turned out to have good results is when my children or I made one of those annoying sounds I got to ask if that sound was on the good or bad list? One child was whining for example and when questioned about that sound he said it's bad and stopped. Now we have some direction and control over the sounds we like to hear from each other.

You can write the words on a poster and hang it where everyone sees it and when a BAD sound is made you can point to the list.

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